Runes of Zun Card Clarifications

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Card Clarifications


  • Does not prevent the Action from resolving for immediate effects like HP reductions or discarding cards
  • Does then remove the Action from being in-play from the take effect, ending its ongoing or other longer effects that last past resolution, such as effects from Daze or Expose
  • Takes all modifying Modifers played with the Action that Absorb would take


  • Allows playing otherwise illegal Modifiers on Actions or Reactions (ignoring Modifier Restrictions)
  • Does not allow playing Modifiers on other players’ Actions or Reactions
  • Does not allow playing Modifiers on other card types, such as HP Trackers (only runecards like Actions, Reactions, or Modifiers)


  • Reduce target HP means deal 1 damage
  • Many card effects prevent Attack from reducing HP, such as Defend, Banish, or several Reaction cards like Fizzle


  • Prevents the target affected from playing cards
  • Prevents the target affected from card effects that manipulate their HP, their hand, or that make them do something like ‘guess’ or discard a card from play
  • Does not prevent cards themselves from affecting the affected player for the purposes of effects that take such things, like Punish, into consideration; only their effects
  • Does not prevent card effects from affecting cards affecting the affected player, like Mimic affecting a card that is affecting the target
  • Does not prevent game effects (rules) from affecting the affected player, like having a turn or becoming Defeated
  • Does not prevent the game effect that forces cards to be discarded automatically or based off of certain conditions (the Forced Discard rule)
  • Does not prevent card effects with the keyword (immune) or the card text ‘ignores other card effets’ on them, like Punish


  • Changes the targeting player as if the chosen player was the original player to play the modified Action, changing who receives certain card effects that either deal with the targeting player, such as Trap, or that self-target, such as Stash, or that deal with the player who resolves, such as Curse
  • Changes card effect timings like ‘discard this card at the start of your next turn’ that involve the player who played the card and a timing related to them, and instead makes the new timing as it would relate to the new targeting player chosen through Blame such that effects like ‘discard this card at the start of your next turn’ changes as if the targeting player was the player who played the card modified by Blame
  • Changes card effects that self-target, such Stash, so that the player chosen by Blame must now become the new ‘self-target’ (for example, the player chosen by Blame must now hide a card and can trigger the ‘Discard this card at any time to take the hidden card’)
  • Changes card effects that also involve the original player who played the card, like Transumte, to now involve the player chosen by Blame (for example, the player chosen by Blame must now guess the top deck card and draw it if they were correct)


  • Increases all card effect text in Arabic digits such as ‘1’ on the modified Action or Reaction by one whole number amount for each Boost (add ‘1’ to each digit)
  • Does not increase written numbers in letters, such as the word ‘one’


  • Draws cards before resolving the Action targeting you resolves, even if that Action would prevent you from being affected or receiving card effects, such if that Action was Banish


  • Can only target cards in the discard pile at the time of resolving
  • If played without sufficient cards to take from the discard pile, even if no Boosts are modifying Cheat but the discard pile has 0 cards, the remaining effect of taking cards does nothing


  • Taking and playing on yourself a card that interferes with Confiscate, like Banish, will prevent the remaining cards from being played and will end the effects of Confiscate, which will keep the remaining taken cards in your hand
  • Will force a new targeting player to take and play on themselves (ongoing) cards from the target if Blame modifies Confiscate


  • Must be replayed after an Action resolves against the player affected by Curse against the targeting player who just resolved an Action against the player affected by Curse, even if the targeting player is the same player as the player affected by Curse unless the player affected by Curse can’t play cards from card effects like Banish


  • Prevents the player affected from playing a Reaction card until the next Action (not Daze itself) resolves against them
  • Does not prevent the player affected from playing a Reaction card once the next Action (after Daze resolved) also resolves against them, meaning that the 2nd Action to resolve against them after Daze is unaffected by Daze
  • Does not affect the target once discarded during the Clean the Table portion of the End of Turn phase or if another Action resolves against them after Daze resolves, thus is not considered for the purposes of effects that take such things, like Punish, into consideration
  • Continues to affect additional targets from card effects like Share, even if the first target is no longer affected by Daze due to a 2nd Action resolving against them
  • Does not continue to affect the target once Daze is discarded, such as during the Clean the Table portion of the End Turn phase


  • Prevents the player affected from the effects of all other cards that are both affecting and targeting them


  • Does not trigger card effects that trigger when a player is targeted, such as Reaction cards, or when a player is resolved against, such as Curse


  • Requires that you guess the exact name of a card, such as “Attack” or “Anarchy”


  • Prevents the player affected from losing HP from card effects (having their HP reduced) like Attack
  • Does not prevent card effects, with the keyword (immune) or the card text ‘ignores other card effets’ from reducing your HP, like Punish
  • Does not prevent game effects (rules) from reducing the affected player’s HP, like Overload or Underdraw


  • Target may not guess if they are affected by a card such as Banish that prevents other card effects


  • Target may not reduce their HP to return their card you choose and revealed if they are prevented from losing HP, such as from the effects of Defend


  • Affects the player until during the Clean the Table portion of the End of Turn phase of the turn it is played on, which means that player will have to reveal any new cards drawn, including after discarding and drawing in the Recovery Phase


  • Triggers Underdraw damage if the targeting player has no cards in their hand
  • Does not prevent the Action that targeted you that Fizzle then prevented from resolving from affecting other targets if the Action Fizzle prevented included additional targets, such as from Share


  • Sharing will repeat the entirety of the effects of Funnel for each target, even if the chosen portion before adding targets is to “Make target take 2 cards of your choice from your hand”


  • Does nothing additionally for Actions with (forced) already given or already included as a keyword
  • Effects that remove or prevent (forced), such as Ward, remove all duplications of (forced) on a card, even if modified by more than one Imbue


  • Can be played with fewer than 3 cards in hand but will then incur Underdraw damage for each card that would have been discarded while there were no cards to discard from your hand
  • Does affect all players from the moment it resolves, even before it reduces all players’ HP during a later turn
  • Will force a new targeting player to discard 3 cards and set the “discard this card” portion to that new targeting player’s next start of turn phase if Blame modified Meteor
  • (forced) can only be prevented by card effects like Ward for the initial card discard effect, not for the all players’ HP reduction effect, which means only the targeting player who initially targets themselves may discard Ward to play a Reaction can attempt to do so
  • Is currently the only instance of a targeting effect followed by a global ‘all players’ effect


  • Targets include cards on the table and in-play, such as any previously played card played this turn or any card with the keyword (ongoing) and any Modifiers modifying them
  • Can’t target cards that aren’t playable, such as the HP Tracker, or aren’t in-play, such as cards in Players’ hands, or cards like Revive, which are removed from the game, or cards temporarily out of play, such as hidden cards under Stash

Null Field

  • Does not prevent (ongoing) cards from being considered affecting their targets or all players for the purposes of card effects like Punish or Purge
  • Prevents (ongoing) card effects that would otherwise discard the (ongoing) card that Null Field affects, such as cards that say “discard this card at the start of your next turn”
  • Prevents (ongoing) card effects affected a player in such a way that altered what they could or couldn’t play, such as Banish or Slow, returning them to normal play rules
  • Does not prevent card effects on cards without the keyword (ongoing), even if their effects last longer than usual, such as Expose or Daze


  • Does not include itself when calculating damage (HP reductions), so it would do 0 damage to a player with no cards affecting them when Punish resolves


  • Discards all cards with the (ongoing) keyword like Defend from the targeted player, even cards like Banish
  • Does not discard any cards without the (ongoing) keyword, such as Expose


  • Cannot be played directly against Redirect (directly on Redirect)
  • A Reaction can be played against the original Action that Redirect changed the target for
  • You must choose a different target to yourself when you are targeted by an Action and you play Redirect (but you do not have to choose a different target from previous Redirect choices for ‘different targets’)
  • Does not directly receive Boost effects
  • Transfers Boost effects onto the original Action if the original Action can receive Boost effects
  • Does not change the original player who ‘targeted’ for the purposes of card effects like Curse, as well as card effects that also involve the original player who played the card, such as Transumte


  • Returns the modified Action or Reaction with all other Modifiers attached that aren’t ‘Reserve’ back to your hand during the first step of the End of Turn phase, even if those cards would otherwise stay from effects like the keyword (ongoing)
  • Cannot return the modified Action or Reaction with all other Modifiers attached when the ‘owner’ who played Reserve is affected by a card effect that prevents card effects, such as Banish, except when the modified Action is that card and the only card that prevents card efefcts from affecting the affected player
  • Always discard any and all Reserve cards that are modifying an Action or Reaction at the End of Turn phase


  • The choice to increase HP or draw cards must be made immediately and declared once Restore is played and before playing Modifiers or choosing targets
  • Must repeat the chosen effect for each additional target for card effects that add targets, such as if modified by Share


  • Can only target defeated players who have their HP Tracker flipped to show their defeat or are considered defeated from other card effects
  • Must be removed from the game as a condition to return a defeated player; Revive may return back to the game when starting a new game
  • Will force a new targeting player to increase their HP if Blame modifies Revive and the chosen effect is to “increase your HP”


  • If the chosen card is not the Action that targeted you, resolve that Action normally once Revoke resolves
  • If the chosen card is the Action that targeted you, that Action is removed from being in-play by Revoke and shuffled into the deck, thereby immediately stopping its effects before it could resolve (any Modifiers played on the Action that Revoke shuffled into the deck will become orphaned, which will then be discarded during the Clean the Table phase if not affected by other card effects beforehand)
  • If the chosen card is a Modifier that modified the Action that targeted you, that Action will immediately lose the card effects of that Modifier before resolving
  • Cannot target cards that are not in-play, such as the HP Tracker


  • Will never trigger Underdraw damage on its own


  • Target may choose from their entire hand to put back cards, not just from the cards drawn from Scry


  • Must target a different target from the target of the Action or Reaction that it modifies (before Reactions are played)
  • Each new Share must continue to target a different target from the target of the Action or Reaction that they modify and from the targets of any previously added Shares (but before Reactions are played)
  • Must repeat the entirety of the effects of the Action or Reaction it modifies with any other Modifiers that immediately affect an instance of that Action or Reaction card like Boost (as well as card effects that also involve the original player who played the card like Transumte)


  • Prevents the player affected from playing a second Action on their turn as long as Slow affects them
  • The targeting player must immediately discard and end Slow’s effects when either the player affected by Slow is affected by a card effect that discards cards like Slow, such as Purge, or when the player affected by Slow has 0 cards in their hand, even from effects like Scramble
  • If a player was affected by Slow, then Slow was discarded after the player affected by Slow played an Action, that player who is no longer affected by Slow may now play more Actions beyond the first (this often occurs when the player affected by Slow plays Purge on themselves)
  • Slow must be discarded when the condition to discard it, which is satisfied by having 0 cards in the target hand, even if the target is under the effects of card effects that prevent other card effects, such as Banish (the Forced Discard rule)


  • If the player affected by Stash must discard Stash but fails to trigger the effect of Stash that states ‘Discard this card at any time to take the hidden card.’, such as Purge resolving against them while the player affected by Stash is also affected by Banish, any hidden cards are now considered ‘orphaned’ and must be discarded at the end of that turn during the last step of the End of Turn phase
  • Is not included in the Forced Discard rule


  • Resolving against a player with no cards in their hand will trigger Underdraw damage
  • Resolving against the player who played the Steal will make that player discard a card from their hand or trigger Underdraw damage if they have no cards in their hand


  • Revealing a card with at least one type that includes “Modifier” will draw it, meaning that Wild Magic be drawn
  • If played without sufficient cards to reveal from the deck, even if no Boosts are modifying Surge, but the discard pile has less than 5 cards, the remaining effect of revealing does not occur (Surge cannot shuffle the discard into a new deck like when drawing from an empty deck)


  • Target may not guess if they are affected by a card such as Banish that prevents other card effects


  • Sharing will repeat the entirety of the effects of Transmute for each additional target, even the effects that make the targeting player guess the top deck card and draw it if they were correct


  • Only affects the ‘targeting’ player, who is either the original player who played the Action that Trap was played against or the player selected by effects of cards that change the ‘targeting player’ like Blame
  • Does not affect the targeting player if the player who resolved the Action before reducing the targeting player’s HP by Trap’s effects is defeated by that Action
  • Does not affect other players involved only by the effects of cards like Redirect


  • Sets all card effect text in Arabic digits such as ‘1’ on the modified Action or Reaction to exactly 3
  • Does not change written numbers in letters, such as the word ‘one’
  • Prevents any other Boost effects from changing any card effect text in Arabic digits on the same Action or Reaction Triangulate modifies, even if played before or after Triangulate
  • Treated as a Boost, including by name, while in-play; must follow the rules and restrictions of Boost


  • Does not prevent (forced) if the Action was shared or otherwise has additional targets added for any other additional targets, only for the targeted player who is affected by Ward and chooses to discard it

Wild Magic

  • If the chosen target is untargetable by the Action, Reaction, or Modifier drawn and played by Wild Magic, such as if you chose a player but the card played is Mimic, you can choose a new target
  • If the card played is a self-targeting card like Stash, ignore the chosen target and play the card drawn by Wild Magic on yourself


  • Cannot increase HP outside of any available numbers or slots on the used HP Tracker (for the default HP Tracker, this means Wish cannot increase HP past 12)
  • Will force a new targeting player to increase their HP and draw cards if Blame modifies Wish
